Holy Mass: Daily at 17h00, except Mondays
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Daily between 15h00 & 16h45, except Mondays
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Tuesday to Friday, from 10h00 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00. Every Saturdays, every Sundays and every holidays from 09h30 to 17h00. Adoration is usually done in the Chapel of The Sacred Heart (Home Building). When the chapel is occupied by a religious service, adoration will be in the Chapel of Confidants of the Sacred Heart, on the lower floor to the terrace of the Monument. To participate, simply ring the bell of the administrative services that work in the building hosting the Sanctuary.
Evening Prayer: Daily, in Chapel, together with celebration of Holy Mass
Recitation of Rosary for Peace (led by the Oblate Sisters of the Divine Heart): daily at 16h30, except Mondays
Recitation of Chaplet of Mercy: Every Friday at 16h30
Easter Sunday - Start of Novena of Mercy at 15h00
Daily during First Week of Easter - Novena of Mercy at 15h00
Second Sunday of Easter - Conclusion of Novena of Mercy at 15h00
May 17 -Anniversary of Monument: Conference followed by solemn Holy Mass at 17h00 followed by get-together.
Day of Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Solemn Mass at 17h00
Sunday of Christ-King - Solemn Mass at 17h00 followed by get-together