"The matrimonial pact amongst the baptized, by which man and woman constitute between themselves an intimate communion of their entire lives, oriented, by its own natural character, towards the good of the spouses and the procreation of children, was elevated by Our Lord Jesus Christ to the dignity of a sacrament".
The gesture by which bride and groom give themselves to each other and constitute a family is a sign of the love of God for Mankind. Therefore, it is a sacrament. God Himself chose the example of marriage to speak of His own love for His People.
On the essential themes of the Bible is that of the COVENANT, that is, the contract of love which God has willed to sign with men. The initiative of this contract comes from God and encounters an echo in people. God is faithful to that contract and loves passionately His people, even when His people is unfaithful to Him - the way a husband loves foolishly his wife and does everything for her. The Prophet Hosea (1-3) tells us that God is the faithful spouse and His people the unfaithful wife.
The Prophet Jeremiah also uses the same comparison (3, 1-5). Isaiah tells us that God has never thought of divorcing His people (51, 1). St. John presents Christ as the Spouse of the Church (3, 29). St. Paul shows us the union of Christ with His Church as a supernatural reality, of which the human matrimony is a symbol (Eph 5, 21-23).
Because it is a sign of the love God has for Mankind, Matrimony can't be undone. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body" (Gen 2, 24). And Jesus said: "Therefore, let no man separate what God has joined" (Mt 19, 6). Nobody has the right to destroy what God has created.
On the essential themes of the Bible is that of the COVENANT, that is, the contract of love which God has willed to sign with men. The initiative of this contract comes from God and encounters an echo in people. God is faithful to that contract and loves passionately His people, even when His people is unfaithful to Him - the way a husband loves foolishly his wife and does everything for her. The Prophet Hosea (1-3) tells us that God is the faithful spouse and His people the unfaithful wife.
The Prophet Jeremiah also uses the same comparison (3, 1-5). Isaiah tells us that God has never thought of divorcing His people (51, 1). St. John presents Christ as the Spouse of the Church (3, 29). St. Paul shows us the union of Christ with His Church as a supernatural reality, of which the human matrimony is a symbol (Eph 5, 21-23).
Because it is a sign of the love God has for Mankind, Matrimony can't be undone. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body" (Gen 2, 24). And Jesus said: "Therefore, let no man separate what God has joined" (Mt 19, 6). Nobody has the right to destroy what God has created.
St. Pauluses similar language: "To those now married, however, I give this command (though it is not mine; it is the Lord's): a wife must not separate from her husband. If she does separate, she must either remain single or be reconciled to him again. Similarly, a husband must not divorce his wife" (1 Co 7, 10-11).
Pratical Rules
- The sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays between 10h30 and 12h30 and between 14h00 and 15h00, in the Chapel of the Monument, upon previous appointment. The Chapel can hold 190 people.
Needed Documents
- Canonical Provision from the Diocese of Setúbal (process to be taken up in the Diocese of the bride).
- If the process is from a different Diocese, it is needed a Provision from that Diocese (process to be taken up by the bride) and the Certificate from the Diocese of Setúbal (to be requested by the Shrine).
- Certificate of the Civil Registrar's Office (to be requested by bride and groom)
- Photocopy of the ID cards of the two witnesses and their addresses.
- Supplemental identification form (supplied by the Shrine).
- When the presiding priest comes from outside the Shrine, he must present a letter identifying himself and declaring that he will celebrate the Matrimony.
Note. - The process must be complete at least 8 days before the date of the celebration.
- Stipend for the Shrine: $100 Euros
- Certificate of the Diocese of Setúbal, in case of transfer from the other Diocese to the Shrine: $42 Euros.